This is the place where I express all my feeling. The place where I throw out everything,the tears and all the hingus hingusan.
Babe,I do agree bila orang cakap hidup tak selalunya indah,ada naik ada turun. Well,aku lalui everyday.and for now sepanjang 19 tahun aku lihat dunia serba kejam.aku terkaku.terkedu.
Antara dua jalan at the junction,you don’t know penghujungnya.gelap.suram. and between two.aku memang tidak tahu.
Saat nie,kira kira air mata aku sudah sebaldi penuh,speechless.
Datin Seri Syahirah Syafiin,I need you now,please lend your ears.i wanna cry on your shoulder.kau sahaja faham aku sayang. All your word, persuation sangat menyakinkan aku. No one could ever replace you honey. Aku tak kuat sekarang.goyah sangat.
It is hard to accept the truth bila kau sudah usaha sehebat mungkin kan? No no no no, aku bukan mahu melawan takdir but, sumpah! It is hard to accept the truth. Aku dah all out, putting a hundred per cent an effort. Apa lagi? Apa lagi? There are a lot of things aku korbankan, aku tinggalkan.and why is this happening to me? Weyh, orang nasihat memang senang, sabar dik sabar. But if you had struggle gila kencang and having problem as me, iman goyah.sabar pon dah takde makna. subhanaAllah. Aku tak kuat,maaf.
I was thinking too much.mungkin ada hikmahkan? Maaf.maaf.maaf.
Aku perlu berenang.tenangkan fikiran.
Confession:Aku down,and saat ini aku memang need someone.
datin seri syahirah shafiin disini. haha. babe,don't think too much. i know it's hurt. i felt it also. but,just beleive it in yourself that allah had planned something good for us. in future. just wait and see. insyallah. be strong dear. i'm here;)